Monday, May 18, 2009
qlµg mhlw 9 ] hir jsu ry mnw gwie lY jo sMgI hY qyro ] Aausru bIiqE jwqu hY kihE mwn lY myro ]1] rhwau ] sMpiq rQ Dn rwj isau Aiq nyhu lgwieE ] kwl Pws jb gil prI sB BieE prwieE ]1] jwin bUJ kY bwvry qY kwju ibgwirE ] pwp krq sukicE nhI nh grbu invwirE ]2] ijh ibiD gur aupdyisAw so sunu ry BweI ] nwnk khq pukwir kY ghu pRB srnweI ]3]3]
thila(n)g mehalaa 9 ||
har jas rae manaa gaae lai jo sa(n)gee hai thaero ||
aousar beethiou jaath hai kehiou maan lai maero ||1|| rehaao ||
sa(n)path rathh dhhan raaj sio ath naehu lagaaeiou ||
kaal faas jab gal paree sabh bhaeiou paraaeiou ||1||
jaan boojh kai baavarae thai kaaj bigaariou ||
paap karath sukachiou nehee neh garab nivaariou ||2||
jih bidhh gur oupadhaesiaa so sun rae bhaaee ||
naanak kehath pukaar kai gahu prabh saranaaee ||3||3||

Tilang, Ninth Mehla:
Sing the Lord's Praises, O mind; He is your only true companion.
Your time is passing away; listen carefully to what I say. ||1||Pause||
You are so in love with property, chariots, wealth and power.
When the noose of death tightens around your neck, they will all belong to others. ||1||
Know this well, O madman - you have ruined your affairs.
You did not restrain yourself from committing sins, and you did not eradicate your ego. ||2||
So listen to the Teachings imparted by the Guru, O Siblings of Destiny.
Nanak proclaims: hold tight to the Protection and the Sanctuary of God. ||3||3||
Watch the Vedios of the above Shabad sung by Bhai Narinder Singh ji


posted by Balbir Singh at 12:14 AM | Permalink |


At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Download Gurbani Shabad Kirtan Free Online

Very wonderful voice of Bhai Narinder Singh ji.May Waheguru ji bless him.