Sunday, October 22, 2006
hm Avguix Bry eyku guxu nwhI AMimRqu Cwif ibKY ibKu KweI ] |
ham avagun bharae eaek gun naahee a(n)mrith shhaadd bikhai bikh khaaee || |
I am overflowing with sins and demerits; I have no merits or virtues at all. I abandoned the Ambrosial Nectar, and I drank poison instead. |
mwXw moh Brm pY BUly suq dwrw isau pRIiq lgweI ] |
maayaa moh bharam pai bhoolae suth dhaaraa sio preeth lagaaee || |
I am attached to Maya, and deluded by doubt; I have fallen in love with my children and spouse. |
ieku auqm pMQu suinE gur sMgiq iqh imlµq jm qRws imtweI ] |
eik outham pa(n)thh suniou gur sa(n)gath thih mila(n)th jam thraas mittaaee || |
I have heard that the most exalted Path of all is the Sangat, the Guru's Congregation. Joining it, the fear of death is taken away. |
iek Ardwis Bwt kIriq kI gur rwmdws rwKhu srxweI ]4]58] |
eik aradhaas bhaatt keerath kee gur raamadhaas raakhahu saranaaee ||4||58|| |
Keerat the poet offers this one prayer: O Guru Raam Daas, save me! Take me into Your Sanctuary! ||4||58|| |
<> siqgur pRswid ] |
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh |
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: |
Awsw sRI kbIr jIau ky caupdy iekquky ] |
aasaa sree kabeer jeeo kae choupadhae eikathukae |
Aasaa Of Kabeer Jee, Chau-Paday, Ik-Tukay: |
snk snµd AMqu nhI pwieAw ] |
sanak sana(n)dh a(n)th nehee paaeiaa |
Sanak and Sanand, the sons of Brahma, could not find the Lord's limits. |
byd pVy piV bRhmy jnmu gvwieAw ]1] |
baedh parrae parr brehamae janam gavaaeiaa 1 |
Brahma wasted his life away, continually reading the Vedas. 1 |
hir kw iblovnw iblovhu myry BweI ] |
har kaa bilovanaa bilovahu maerae bhaaee |
Churn the churn of the Lord, O my Siblings of Destiny. |
shij iblovhu jYsy qqu n jweI ]1] rhwau ] |
sehaj bilovahu jaisae thath n jaaee 1 rehaao |
Churn it steadily, so that the essence, the butter, may not be lost. 1Pause |
qnu kir mtukI mn mwih ibloeI ] |
than kar mattukee man maahi biloee |
Make your body the churning jar, and use the stick of your mind to churn it. |
iesu mtukI mih sbdu sMjoeI ]2] |
eis mattukee mehi sabadh sa(n)joee 2 |
Gather the curds of the Word of the Shabad. 2 |
hir kw iblovnw mn kw bIcwrw ] |
har kaa bilovanaa man kaa beechaaraa |
The churning of the Lord is to reflect upon Him within your mind. |
gur pRswid pwvY AMimRq Dwrw ]3] |
gur prasaadh paavai a(n)mrith dhhaaraa 3 |
By Guru's Grace, the Ambrosial Nectar flows into us. 3 |
khu kbIr ndir kry jy mNØIrw ] |
kahu kabeer nadhar karae jae ma(n)aeeraa |
Says Kabeer, if the Lord, our King casts His Glance of Grace, |
rwm nwm lig auqry qIrw ]4]1]10] |
raam naam lag outharae theeraa 4110 |
one is carried across to the other side, holding fast to the Lord's Name. 4110 |